Bownet Ball Bag USA Made from the same 600D denier fabric that is used for a variety of camping and outdoor gear because of its strength, flexibility and weather resistance. Each Bownet baseball bag holds up to five dozen baseballs or three dozen softballs, giving you plenty for a full game or for fielding, hitting and shooting drills. Two accessory pockets on the sides provide space for gloves, keys, water bottles or additional balls. All of the pockets zip shut so you can load the bag and home and bring to the field without everything spilling all over the car.
Holds 5 dozen baseballs or 3 dozen softballs
Durable molded bottom
2 accessory side pockets
Easy carry handles for transport
600D fabric with Bownet O-Pattern
Measures 13" x 8" x 16"
Holds 5 dozen baseballs or 3 dozen softballs
Durable molded bottom
2 accessory side pockets
Easy carry handles for transport
600D fabric with Bownet O-Pattern
Measures 13" x 8" x 16"
Bownet Ball Bag USA
Special features
Ships directly from Manufacturer, ships within 2 weeks if in stock
Ships FedEx
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